Sébastien Laborie, Jérôme Euzenat, Adapting the hypermedia structure in a generic multimedia adaptation framework, in: Phivos Mylonas, Manolis Wallace, Marios Angelides (eds), Proc. 1st International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP), Athens (GR), pp62-67, 2006
The multiplication of execution contexts for multimedia documents requires the adaptation of document specifications. We proposed a semantic approach for multimedia document adaptation. This paper extends this framework to the hypermedia dimension of multimedia documents, i.e., hypermedia links between multimedia objects. By considering hypermedia links as particular objects of the document, it is possible to adapt the hypermedia dimension with other dimensions like the temporal one. However, due to the hypermedia structure, several specifications have to be considered. Thus, to preserve our adaptation framework, we propose a first straightforward strategy that consists of adapting all specifications generated by the hypermedia structure. However, we show that this one has several drawbacks, e.g., its high computational costs. Hence, we propose to adapt document specifications step by step according to the user interactions.
Adaptation sémantique, Documents multimédia SMIL